Life Will Never Be Same Again.

Firstly I must apologise I haven’t dropped off the face of the earth, we are all still here. But to say 2016 has been a life changing year so far would be an understatement and the big thing hasn’t happened yet!

Back in January we received some news, we where expecting, but it wasn’t till an emergency scan in the early pregnancy assignment unit that we got the the real life changing news, we were expecting twins! I don’t like tempting fate, so we kept the news to yourselves. Fearing the worst, after a one confirmed miscarriage and and a few suspected ones, along with knowing the statistics of miscarriage in the first trimester.   It seemed unreal that we were listening to two little heart beats. So that’s are news, we have another two months to go and we are still getting are heads around it, but we are slowly getting to tell people as we see them.

Things haven’t been plain sailing, concerns on one of the twins development, but not wanting to go down the amniocentesis path and risking both of them we just have to wait and see how things turn out.

I haven’t yet starting making things for them, back to that tempting fate thing again. But, I’m sure sometime in the future I will be indulging my new found love for all things girly.

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People who say we are designed to carry two babies don’t know what they are talking about! Two means great levels of hormones which takes the morning sickness to a whole new level. Then there is the swollen feet, backache, groin ache, actually I thing it might be easier to say which parts of me don’t ache.  Where have my feet gone?  I am already waddling like a duck, out grown some of the maternity clothes from the first pregnancy.   Turning over in bed has turned in a epic operation, between trips to the toilet all night.  Along with I am never cold anymore, I think the bedroom window got opened in April along with the summer weight duvet, which didn’t last long before it turned into just a sheet.

Another side effect of carrying twins was I could no longer get behind the steering wheel any more from 20 weeks, it came as a shock, things suddenly got a lot harder, trans-versing Coventry on the bus network added two hours to the working day.  Everything needing a car has to be fitted into the weekend somehow.  The poor husband received an hysterical phone call from me in tears when I could no longer get behind the wheel. The lose of freedom hit hard, why does anyone risk losing their driving license I don’t know!

The other side effect is that I had to stop work a lot earlier then before.  Retail and pregnancy aren’t good bed fellows!  But things are processing and all three of us are still hanging in there. Okay five if you count husband and son.


Its not like I haven’t been busy making and designing things but I think we have had enough news for one day, and that can wait for another blog post.


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